Zdrowaś Mario. Reportaże o Medycznej Marihuanie - Aleksandra Pezda
Hail Mary. Reports on medical marijuana - Aleksandra Pezda
This is an extremely timely intervention report on a topic that affects millions of us - without realizing it.
Asthma. Crohn's disease. Drug-resistant epilepsy.
Multiple sclerosis. Migraine. Cancers. Chronic pains. The list of diseases that medical marijuana is used to treat is long. But medical marijuana is taboo in Poland. Most associate it with intoxication, not with treatment.
Doctors do not want to prescribe it, although theoretically since 2017 they have been able to do so. But the law is dead. That's why patients become criminals. Because the state, as one of them says, does not necessarily want to treat them, but it wants to keep them sober at all costs.
Aleksandra Pezda reaches the sick, their relatives and doctors in Poland and abroad. He looks at the mechanisms that make desperate parents turn into smugglers and that seriously ill people are taken out of their homes in handcuffs and tried as criminals.