
The Hidden Therapies

Part 2

  • Author:  Jerzy Zięba
  • Language: English
  • Publisher:  Egida Consulting Sp. z ooSJ
  • ISBN:  978-83-945130-5-4
  • Number of pages: 418
  • Dimensions:  148 x 215 mm

"For some, this will be shocking, unacceptable; for others, it will be exciting and open up new perspectives. One thing is certain: Jerzy Zięba will arouse your emotions. You can't be indifferent to this book. It's an ocean of information about the treatment of many chronic and degenerative diseases that are major problems for a large section of the population.

It is worth emphasizing that Jerzy Zięba has set a difficult task for his detractors, because everything he writes is carefully documented with references to the scientific literature. He gives proponents of the "natural" approach to treatment another information dump to get their teeth into, as well as priceless (and often simple) methods of treatment. "
Dr. Włodzimierz Morawski, MD



Review. 11
Instead of an introduction. 13
More about vitamin C…. 25
• Synthetic or natural? 26
• How to cheat the customer. 28
• Vitamin C — good for everything? 30
• Vitamin C and sepsis. 35
• Intravenous use of vitamin C. 44
• Vitamin C and chemotherapy. 53
• Vitamin C and antiangiogenesis. 62
• Little known mechanisms of action of vitamin C. 63
Vitamin D. 71
The cholesterol lie. 77
The recommended limits for cholesterol: a scientific fraud. 101
Cholesterol-lowering “medicines”. 107
The so-called treatment of cancer. 135
• Cancer as a genetic disease. 141
• Mammography: More harm than good? 148
• Chemotherapy — effective or not? 152
• Vitamin C — what else? 163
- Alpha-lipoic acid. 164
- Low dose naltrexone (LDN) 168
- DMSO 173
- Oral use of hydrogen peroxide. 179
- Intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide 184
- Hydrazine sulfate. 205
- Cesium chloride therapy 213
- Intensifying therapy with insulin. 217
- Artemisinin. 222
- Vitamin B17. 223
- IP-6 (Inositol 6-Phosfate). 244
- Ketogenic diet and chronic diseases. 246
- Ketogenic diet and cancer. 258
- Final remarks 274
Vaccines: the great scam 279
Something is rotten in the state of Poland…. 303
• Absurdities of the Polish medical world 314
• So some official will decide if you're allowed to be treated or not. 330
• Medical star chambers 331
• How can we fix what's broken? 354
• Are we intentionally performing medical experiments on Polish children? 373
• Homeopathy 375
• Margarine: fit for human consumption? . 378
• Are Polish patients cannon fodder? 387
• Clinical trials or another fraud? 388
To medical students 395
How to help children with drug-resistant epilepsy? 399
The VISANTO brand and shop 407
What next? 413

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