Skoczylas Book Neutralize food chemicals and regain your health
Number of pages - 252 Author - Marek Skoczylas, DDS Edition - II Rzeszów 2019
In this book you will learn how to remove toxins from our body (e.g. heavy metals) safely using natural and proven methods and substances.
The idea of the book and its assumptions are also intended to protect human health and enable its recovery not only by making people aware of the foods that contain toxins and how to remove toxins from the body, but also by neutralizing the chemicals that we cannot avoid.
It's about making sure that new toxins don't get into your body. Again, we can use many natural substances that block toxins from getting into our body.
This is important because to this day it is difficult to find a disease entity that has not been linked by numerous scientific studies to toxins such as preservatives , heavy metals or pesticides .
This book is the best gift for your health.